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Royal Mail And CWU Make Joint Statement On Bullying And Harassment

logosBob Gibsons CWU Assistant Secretary – Outdoor has issued Letter To Branches 170/13 to all CWU Postal Branches advising of the latest situation with regard to bullying and harassment within postal delivery services.

LTB170/13 is reproduced below in full:

Branches will be aware of the problems being encountered in Delivery Offices regarding bullying and harassment and the recent survey carried out amongst delivery members. Discussions between Royal Mail and the Outdoor Department are continuing on this matter and an output from those discussions is the Joint Statement that is included with this LTB.

The Joint Statement is intended to provide an update to our Branches and members of where we are with the discussions and to also provide some clarity around behaviours in the delivery environment particularly from managers, and how our members can expect to be treated.

The Joint Statement makes it clear to all that overtime is voluntary which has been one of the main problems our members have encountered where Managers have been making false statements that completion of delivery is a requirement of all delivery OPGs regardless of how long it will take. To compound this particular problem there have also been reports sent to the Department describing instances where our members have been threatened with the conduct code or removal from their duty if they did not complete their delivery.

The Joint Statement is intended to assist in eradicating this type of misrepresentation of the facts and provide clear confirmation to our members that they do not have to work beyond their scheduled finish time if they do not wish to do so.

LTB170/13 picIt also reiterates and reinforces the process of safeguarding the mail contained in Appendix B in instances where our members do not believe they will be able to complete their delivery. The Joint Statement also makes it clear that there will be no threat of conduct where our members cannot deliver all the mail by their scheduled finish time and the procedures contained in Appendix B have been followed correctly.

To support the ongoing process of dealing with bullying, harassment and intimidation a workshop is also being designed and will be piloted in the North West to train/coach Managers and Representatives in how to deal appropriately with ‘Cut Offs’ and workload issues in Delivery Offices. It is anticipated that the workshop will be ready to pilot in about 2 weeks.

Furthermore any one of our members who responded to the survey will be provided with an opportunity, if they so wish, to have their complaint investigated and overseen by an independent party in line with Appendix A of the Joint Statement.

This opportunity should be brought to the attention of all members in all workplaces so that they are aware of this, which can be done by contacting the Outdoor Department, this can also be done via email

Further communications via an LTB, the E Bulletin and the Voice will also bring this to the attention of our members. Confidentiality will be preserved.

Whilst work on the overall situation continues the Joint Statement provides a positive intervention at this stage and should help in reducing the number of complaints. We also hope that it will provide our members with a degree of confidence that the Union is working on their behalf to eradicate this unacceptable behaviour from the workplace.

This LTB and associated documentation should be given the widest possible circulation amongst our members and their workplaces.

Area/Local Reps should engage with their respective Managers to discuss how the content and spirit and intent of the Joint Statement is going to be embedded in every workplace. CWU Divisional Representatives are requested to organise meetings within their Divisions to brief Representatives on the deployment of the Joint Statement and to ensure that meetings between Managers and Representatives are taking place and that the content of the Joint Statement is being applied accurately and consistently in every workplace.

In instances where Managers do not engage with the CWU or do not make an effort to make sure the Joint Statement is introduced in full and applied consistently then this should be brought to the attention of a Divisional Representative without delay.

Attachments to the LTB:

The Royal Mail and CWU national joint statement fairness, dignity & respect in delivery can be downloaded here

Paragraph 2 Investigation Process can be downloaded here

Safeguarding Customers’ Mail Agreed National Guidelines can be downloaded here

Source: CWU

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